Codas: Link Round-up (through Jan. 31)

I'm a little behind on posting because of an extremely busy week at work.  This time I have a healthy amount of links to things unrelated to VGM, but they're certainly worth looking at, nonetheless.

- SoundRader interviews To the Moon composers Laura Shigihara and Kan Gao.

- Paul McCartney to write VGM?  To be completely honest?  Weird.

- fl0w/Journey composer Austin Wintory's new site has launched.

- Megabeep reviews an indie pop group that uses chiptunes' CD.  Read here, listen here.

- This guy has all of the PS2 games sealed.  Sweet… and expensive holy cow!

- Arkham City creators to make a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game?!?  Please be true.

- Ever wanted to know what it's like to eat Tyrant ribs?

- Japanese pop culture icons done up Street Fighter IV style.
